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XAT 2022 Cut Off
To get selected for the further admission round of participating institutions of XLRI, students have to meet the cut-off criteria set by the officials. The cut-off (Sections and overall cut-off criteria) will be published by the authority in February 2022. Various factors decide the cut-off marks. It includes several candidates who appeared in the exam, the difficulty level of the question paper, seats available in institutions, and last year cut off marks. With the help of cut-off, candidates can get a rough idea about selection in their preferred institution. The result will be declared in the third week of January 2022.
XAT 2022 Cut-Off Score
Candidates can check here the expected cut off by various coaching institutions: XAT 2022 Cut Off by Career Launcher (Expected)
XAT Cut Off by TIME (Expected)
XLRI BM: 33-35XLRI HRM: 31-33
Here, we provided last year sectional cut-offs for different programs of XLRI. Candidates can check the cut off from the below table: XAT Sectional Cut-off is as follows:
XAT 2022 cut-off for Participating Institutes
Below, we have mentioned the expected cut-off for some participating institutions: Candidates can check the previous year (2019) Cutoff for XLRI Jamshedpur in the below-given table: